Hey There, I'm Kenny
Currently a fullstack developer. And I love what i do.



GCP Certified Associate Cloud Engineer
My Working Experience Companies I have worked for in the past.
Gamuda Software Engineer
(2022 - Present) I am currently working on tunneling software projects as part of the Tunnel Research & Development Team. My responsibilities include full-stack development using the Vue.js and Nuxt frameworks. Additionally, I deploy cloud-based solutions on the GCP platform, leveraging backend technologies such as Golang and Python.
Intel Structural Design Engineer Trainee
(2020 - 2021) Involved in Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) backend development, focusing on automating design rule checking (DRC) fixes using TCL scripting and Synopsys tool (IC Compiler II). My role includes developing automation scripts to streamline workflows and visualizing results.
Photo Upload and Chart Component Designed and developed reusable components for photo uploads and interactive chart visualizations to enhance user experience and streamline development.
Automation of DRC Fixes Automated the fixing of ASIC design layout issues during the Design Rule Checking (DRC) process by developing efficient TCL scripts for IC Compiler II. Extracted and visualized DRC violations leading to a 10% improvement in efficiency through enhanced data presentation and analysis.
My Projects Work that I've done for the past years
Machine Learning in Filter Tuning Developed a machine learning-based solution using Reinforcement Learning, specifically Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), to automate the tuning of a 4th-order Chebyshev filter.
Friend Detector Developed a friend detection system using an ESP8266 Wi-Fi module to identify specific MAC addresses within range. The solution utilized packet sniffing to monitor nearby devices, enabling real-time detection of known devices for personalized interactions or notifications.
Fun Fact!Achievements & Participations
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LocationPetaling Jaya, Malaysia